Asynchronous JavaScript(비동기 자바스크립트)

🔗 JavaScript PromisesJavaScript Async / Await을 보고 정리한 내용입니다.

1. Promise

  • 콜백 방식과 비슷하지만, thencatch를 사용하여 더 간결하게 표현할 수 있다.

let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  let a = 1 + 1;
  if(a === 2) {
    // resolve
  } else {
    // reject

// resolve
p.then((message) => {
  console.log("This is in the then " + message);
  // reject
}).catch((message) => {
  console.log("This in in the catch " + message);

// This is in the then Success
  • 비동기 데이터 처리와 같이 백그라운드에서 시간이 걸리는 작업에 Promise를 사용할 수 있다.

    • Promise는 계속 중첩되는 콜백 방식의 단점(콜백 지옥)을 해결할 수 있다.

1️⃣ Callback

const userLeft = false;
const userWatchingOtherChannel = false;

function watchTutorialCallback(callback, errorCallback) {
  if (userLeft) {
      name: "User Left -",
      message: "🙁"
  } else if (userWatchingOtherChannel) {
      name: "userWatchingOtherChannel -",
      message: "myChannel < otherChannel"
  } else {
    callback("Thumbs up and Subscribe")

watchTutorialCallback((message) => {
  // 첫번째 콜백(성공)
  console.log("Success: " + message)
}, (error) => {
  // 두번째 콜백(에러)
  console.log("Error: " + + " " + error.message)

2️⃣ Promise

const userLeft = false;
const userWatchingOtherChannel = false;

function watchTutorialPromise() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (userLeft) {
        name: "User Left -",
        message: "🙁"
    } else if (userWatchingOtherChannel) { 
        name: "userWatchingOtherChannel -",
        message: "myChannel < otherChannel"
    } else {
      resolve("Thumbs up and Subscribe")

watchTutorialPromise().then((message) => {
  // resolve
  console.log("Success: ")
  return message
}).then((message) => {
  console.log(message + " 😀")
}).catch((error) => {
  // reject
  console.log("Error: " + + " " + error.message)

Promise 이용하기

  • 항상 resolve 하는 다수의 Promise의 경우

  • Promise.all: 모든 Promise가 완료된 후 호출

const recordVideoOne = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  resolve("Video 1 Recorded")

const recordVideoTwo = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  resolve("Video 2 Recorded")

const recordVideoThree = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  resolve("Video 3 Recorded")

]).then((messages) => {
  console.log(messages) // 모든 배열 형태로 메세지 출력

//  ["Video 1 Recorded", "Video 2 Recorded", "Video 3 Recorded"]
  1. Promise.race: 첫번째 Promise가 완료되자마자 호출

const recordVideoOne = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  resolve("Video 1 Recorded")

const recordVideoTwo = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  resolve("Video 2 Recorded")

const recordVideoThree = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  resolve("Video 3 Recorded")

  // 첫번째 요소인 recordVideoOne이 완료되면 호출
]).then((message) => {
  console.log(message) // 하나의 메세지 출력

//  Video 1 Recorded

2. Async/ Await

Async/ Await은 Promise를 더 편리하게(동기적으로) 사용하기 위해 만들어진 문법적인 설탕

1️⃣ Promise

function makeRequest(location) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    console.log(`Making Request to ${location}`)
    if(location === "Google") {
      resolve("Google says hi")
    } else {
      reject("We can only talk to Google")

function processRequest(response) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    console.log("Processing response")
    resolve(`Extra Information + ${response}`)

const LOCATION = "Google"; 
// const LOCATION = "Facebook";

makeRequest(LOCATION).then(response => {
  console.log("Response Received")
  // console.log(response) // Google says hi
  return processRequest(response)
}).then(processResponse => {
}).catch(error => {

/* resolve
Making Request to Google
Response Received
Processing response
Extra Information + Google says hi

/* reject
Making Request to Facebook
We can only talk to Google

2️⃣ Async/ Await

🔑 Async/ Await 유의점

  1. 항상 코드를 함수로 감싸고 함수 앞에 async 키워드를 추가한다.

  2. 비동기 코드 앞에 await 키워드 사용하여 Promise결과를 반환한다.

function makeRequest(location) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    console.log(`Making Request to ${location}`)
    if(location === "Google") {
      resolve("Google says hi")
    } else {
      reject("We can only talk to Google")

function processRequest(response) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    console.log("Processing response")
    resolve(`Extra Information + ${response}`)

// const LOCATION = "Google"; 
const LOCATION = "Facebook";

async function doWork() {
  try {
    const response = await makeRequest(LOCATION) // Google says hi
    console.log("Response Received")
    const processResponse = await processRequest(response)
  } catch (error) {



/* resolve
Making Request to Google
Response Received
Processing response
Extra Information + Google says hi

/* reject
Making Request to Facebook
We can only talk to Google

Last updated